Sonntag, 21. März 2010

I've never been much of a writer, but some people keep prodding me. So let's try and start a blog and see if it survives for more than a month.

The blog is called Solid State Storage for several reasons:
1. I have wanted that stuff in my private machine for nearly a decade now.
2. I have written my own filesystem to support such devices.
3. I strongly disagree with the industry-standard approach of SSD.
4. asked me to pick a better name.

So assuming this blog survives, it should contain articles about non-mechanical storage devices (currently that practically always spells flash) and their handling. And more often than not, it will explain how these devices should behave, as opposed to buying the latest marketing panacea and explaining why company X has finally solved all your marital problems with their new product.

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